What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant stands as an exceptionally effective solution for the replacement of missing or damaged teeth. It offers freedom from removable dentures and provides clients with lifelike restorative options. Dental implants, crafted from titanium posts, are surgically placed in the jawbone. Whether you need a single tooth replacement or a full-mouth restoration, dental implants could be your ideal choice. The titanium bonds seamlessly with the jawbone, ensuring a lifetime of stability. The prospect of acquiring a brand-new set of teeth, or even just a single tooth, can be truly transformative, enhancing both your appearance and self-confidence.

Who Should Consider Dental Implants?

Dental implants are an excellent choice for individuals in good overall health with sufficient bone structure to support the implant. In cases where additional bone support is required, bone grafts can be considered after consulting with Dr. Lassegue & Dr. Buchanan. Those with missing teeth or long-term denture use can discover relief knowing they have the option of permanent replacements in as little as 6 to 9 months.

Implants not only restore missing teeth but also help preserve facial structure, as they maintain a natural alignment with your facial features. The durable bond formed between titanium and bone ensures that the implant remains secure during everyday activities. Most individuals seeking dental implants are eligible candidates.

dental implants

What’s Involved in Getting Dental Implants?

The first step in obtaining dental implants is a comprehensive consultation with our dentists at our Queens office. Our practice, specializing in general, dental implant, and cosmetic dentistry, offers numerous solutions for addressing missing and damaged teeth. It’s crucial to determine your eligibility for the procedure. Once you decide to proceed with dental implants in queens, there are generally two key stages at Queens Modern Dental Suite: surgery and crowning.


The surgery involves the administration of general anesthesia to ensure comfort during the procedure. During surgery, the oral surgeon creates a space in the gum and bone to insert a titanium rod securely into the bone. The titanium and bone then fuse to establish a stable foundation for the new tooth to be placed on it. The healing process for a dental implant rod typically spans 3 to 6 months. After your gums have healed, you will return for the crown placement.

Options for Crowns

A crown is the part of the tooth that people most commonly associate with a tooth. It’s the visible, white, hard structure above the gum line. During dental implant procedures, choices need to be made regarding the type of crown to be used for your new tooth or teeth.

Several options are available for filling the gap left by the missing tooth. A permanent crown is an optimal choice, as it is directly affixed to the titanium post, creating a natural-looking tooth. The prosthetic is meticulously color-matched to your existing teeth, ensuring it looks and feels like a real tooth. You can continue your normal eating and drinking habits, but it’s important to care for your crown just as you would a natural tooth. In case of damage, prompt dental attention is essential.

Another option for dental implants is a partial bridge, which attaches to nearby teeth via crowns for added stability when multiple teeth are involved. This is not typically recommended for a single missing tooth.

The third option is a full dental plate, akin to a denture, designed for individuals transitioning from dentures to permanent dentures. Several titanium posts are surgically placed in the gums and bone, with a full plate affixed on top of the posts, making them non-removable.

Your specific choices can be discussed with our office.

Post-Procedure Care

Your dental implants, like natural teeth, require proper care. Regular follow-up appointments are essential to ensure implant stability, in addition to your routine check-ups and dental cleanings, which can conveniently be scheduled during your semi-annual dental visits.

You can maintain your dental implants with regular brushing and flossing. If any issues arise with your implant or the adjacent teeth, simply contact Dr. Lassegue & Dr. Buchanan’s office in Queens to have your implant assessed.

Contact Us

If you’ve been postponing solutions for missing or damaged teeth, now is the time to take action. With the advancements in modern dentistry, dental implants have become more accessible, and in certain cases, can even be completed in a single day. Imagine leaving the dentist’s office with a new tooth or teeth. Consider the tremendous boost in your appearance and self-esteem. Call us today to arrange an appointment and explore the dental implant options available to you in Queens, NY.